Travelers Prayer:
Tefillat Haderech

This Travelers Prayer is our gift to you - the traditional Jewish Tefillat Haderech, in English and Hebrew.

This beautiful Tefillat Haderech is the centuries-old wayfarer's prayer used by travelers all over the world. It is in English and Hebrew, suitable both for high-quality printing and framing, or to print in a small size to carry around in your wallet.

This ancient prayer was composed over a thousand seven hundred years ago by the Sages of the Talmud. It asks God to protect us from "accidents, bandits, wild animals and all types of calamities that befall the world". Whether we travel by camel, horseback, car or airplane, it remains as relevant today as it was then.

The prayer is usually recited at the start of a journey, once one has left the city one is departing.

May your journeys always be safe and blessed, and may your year be sweet!

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