We at the Jerusalem Insider's Guide would like to wish our readers a very happy, fruitful, healthy and blessed new year.

At this time of year, when we join in prayer for the welfare of the world, our country and each other, why not
place your prayer in the Wall in Jerusalem, no matter where you live.
Use the confidential form on our site and we'll place your prayer in the Western Wall in Jerusalem for you.
The service is free. Since Jewish tradition teaches our prayers are more readily accepted when accompanied by acts of charity, we also offer you the opportunity to
make a donation to our fund for handicapped children in Jerusalem.
May your prayers always be answered for the good.
We hope to see you soon in our favorite city. May you have a wonderful holiday!
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Drop by our forum – YOUR Jerusalem – and let's get to know each other.
By the way, our guidebook, Introduction to Jerusalem: A Guide to the Holy City, makes a great holiday gift, too. You can download the e-book or order a printed copy right here.
And if you enjoy the Jerusalem Insider's Guide – please let others know about us. Every bit helps!
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Happy holiday season to all. One small candle can dispel a lot of darkness, so may light always shine in your lives and may your own light shine ever brighter.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Take us with you!Only have a day or two in Jerusalem? Download our guidebook and make the most of your time here. Summer Special: Save over 30%! Introduction to Jerusalem: A Guide to the Holy City

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