Look at what's happening in Jerusalem!
We've debuted our Jerusalem Events Calendar, along with a monthly page of the annual "happenings" as we say in Hebrew. Check out what's going on during your stay; the range of choices at any given time may surprise you.
This month, the Jerusalem Knights Festival is underway, offering a taste of Medieval Jerusalem on Thursday nights, with jugglers, troubadours and other costumed performers lighting up the Old City's Christian Quarter and the Via Dolorosa.
Next month, look out for Hamshushalayim, a basketful of special events, concerts and special discounts at participating restaurants and hotels, on the weekends of Dec 2-4, 9-11, 16-18. Check our blog or follow us on Twitter to keep posted on who'll be offering discounts where, when and for what.
Are you planning an event in Jerusalem that might interest other readers? Let us know and we may include it on the calendar – free of charge.
December, of course, ushers in the holiday season. Chanukah will be December 21 through 28 this year. We'll keep you posted on Jerusalem goings-on as they're announced. In the meantime, get into the spirit by
baking a batch of our Hannukah doughnut recipe or making plans for Christmas in Israel, which comes not once but three times a year.
Jerusalem and Israel Around the Web
Israel is serving as a healing light unto the nations these days, with a plethora of new medical breakthroughs being announced on an almost daily basis. For example, this new vaccine against cancer.
There's a new Bible Museum planned for Jerusalem. Location yet to be announced although rumor is the Knesset has already chosen it. Read more here.
Jerusalem is hosting the first China-Israel Physics conference, which aims to bring together expert researchers from both countries at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Google loves Israel – not only does it have its Street View cameras cruising Jerusalem, but it has just announced plans for an "incubator" for seed startups in Tel Aviv as early as next year.
If you, too, love Israel and want to express your support, please take a moment to sign the petition to keep Jerusalem United.
Make Time to Learn Hebrew - Get a Free Watch
As promised in our headline, here's how you can get a free Star of David watch. This month only, sign up to learn Hebrew (Modern or Biblical) online and you get a free watch!
OK, so you probably already have a watch … but even so, this is one of the best courses around (and the watch makes a great gift!) Read our review of this unique learning method here, or view a short, free introductory class – then sign up and claim your watch!

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
As the holiday season approaches, we join in prayer for the welfare of the world, our city and country and each other. Why not place your personal prayer in the Wall in Jerusalem, no matter where you live.
Use the confidential form on our site and we'll place your prayer in the Western Wall in Jerusalem for you.
The service is free. Since Jewish tradition teaches our prayers are more readily accepted when accompanied by acts of charity, we also offer you the opportunity to
please make a donation to our fund for handicapped children in Jerusalem.
May your prayers always be answered for the good.
Join Our Jerusalem Community
Do you have a memorable anecdote from a trip to Jerusalem? Photos or a travel tip to share? Want to connect with other lovers of Jerusalem? Have an event in Jerusalem you want to advertise? (It's free!)
Drop by our forum – YOUR Jerusalem – and let's get to know each other.
By the way, our guidebook, Introduction to Jerusalem: A Guide to the Holy City, makes a great holiday gift, too. You can download the e-book or order a printed copy right here.
And if you enjoy the Jerusalem Insider's Guide – please let others know about us. Every bit helps!
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Visit our blog and use the orange RSS button in the left-hand column to automatically add the feed to your feed reader. Or, copy and past this link into your feed reader: https://www.jerusalem-insiders-guide.com/Jerusalem.xml.
We hope to see you soon in our favorite city. May you have a wonderful holiday!
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Take us with you!Only have a day or two in Jerusalem? Download our guidebook and make the most of your time here. Summer Special: Save over 30%! Introduction to Jerusalem: A Guide to the Holy City

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